The Highlands Corridor covers over 100,000 hectares of unceded public and private land, rich with wetlands, forests, wildlife communities, species at risk, and deep carbon deposits. It extends across southern Haliburton and northern Peterborough counties, within the territory of the Williams Treaties First Nations. Exploring opportunities for further protection of Crown land through the establishment of Crown Protection Areas, Conservation Reserves and/or Enhanced Management Areas within the Corridor can contribute to meeting federal, provincial and municipal government commitments to building resilience to climate change and expanding protected areas. Connecting three provincial parks, the corridor offers a nature-based solution to building climate change resilience, protecting lands and waters, and maintaining biodiversity.
The Highlands Corridor is located at the top of a large watershed, known as the Northern Lake Ontario Watershed, that drains southerly into Lake Ontario. Representing the headwaters of this watershed, the Highlands Corridor supports critical hydrological services (i.e. flood attenuation, water quality etc.), that benefit much of central Ontario.